Best People To Work With
What do the best people around me have in common? How to become like that?
Every day i'm meeting with people who are doing amazing things. They are creating businesses, tech startups & solving bunch of problems around. After observing a bit i've come to realise that every one of them can be categorized in one of 2 ways:
- People who have fixed mindset. Who are dominated by the ego, by the learnings that they've accumulated & are insulted personally by learning that their knowledge might not be useful or might be incorrect. This kind of people aren't willing to always go back to fundamentals and if need arises learn everything from start.
- People who have a growth mindset. These are people who are both subconsciously & consciously focused only solving a problem at hand. They are willing to learn/re-learn anything that they know just to solve the problem. They are even willing to change their framework of thinking - if need arises. They aren't dominated by egos & do not over fixate on the existing frameworks of thinking/problem solving.
I'm sure that every one of us has a touch of fixed mindset person in us, but we should all remember to tirelessly work on becoming a second type. We should strive to be second type or people. Those are the best people to work with.