Build In Public

Reminder for builders(aka engineers)

TLDR: If you are a builder, an engineer who loves to create software products and tackle side projects, make sure to start building in public

Most engineers/hackers i know, tend to favor building side projects in private. This is THE way for them to have fun after a hard & stressful day at work. Just imagine - no deadlines, no technology restrictions, no annoying co-workers, no bosses. It's just you, the technology you're interested in, and the project. So romantic, right? What can be better?

Note: Everything below is true for some(not all) definition of "better" of course

Let me tell you what can be and actually is better for you.

Building a project in public and solving a real-world problem - is much better. Building a side project not just for sake of learning, but for the sake of making someone's life easier - is much better. The solution to some of the real life problems might be not the fanciest one(in terms of tech) - but they are real deal if you want to create a real value with your code. The main, general reason for it being better is, that it helps you break out of the bubble that most of engineers easily end up in. The bubble of - over fixating on tech, learning bunch of new technologies without ever thinking of what real life value does your code bring to people, what real life problems are you tackling with it.

To sum up - I'm not saying "do not build personal side projects". Of course you must do it; For reference - it's one of my favorite ways to improve different skills. I'm saying(and actually asking you to) - always remember to avoid the endless loop of starting new side-projects, learning new technologies - and never thinking about what value does it have in the real world, where technology is ever-increasing, but still small part of the whole.

P.S. Do not stop working on that side project, you've just started working on. Please.