Why It's Okay to Feel Like a Loser

Read this if you are feeling like a complete loser

I want this essay to act as a reminder that it's totally normal to feel like a complete loser. A loser who hasn't yet achieved anything, who is struggling in every single aspect of life, and who doesn't have anything meaningful happening around them.

If you are a person with big dreams (like me), beware of these thoughts and feelings. They'll definitely visit you, and if you let them, they'll hurt you. Be especially wary of them at your lowest points in life, when you are tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. I've always been afraid of these thoughts, I've always feared (who isn't?) facing the potential truth of being a loser. Because of this, I've always tried to avoid them. But...

Today, I've come to realize that the goal shouldn't be to avoid these thoughts (or not have them). The goal should be to manage them efficiently and not waste too much time or energy stressing/worrying over them.

The point i'm trying to make, is that these thoughts are actually correct and reflect reality. Yes, you are a loser. You haven't achieved anything. You do not have anything meaningful happening around you. But all this is because you are still a WORK IN PROGRESS. This is the objective truth that you should face, straight with your shoulders back.

You can't have a struggle-free life when you are still a work in progress.

You can't look delightfully over your biggest achievements when they are still in front of you and you are working tirelessly towards them every single day.

You can't have anything meaningful happening around you when you are still in search of meaningful things.

What if, starting from today, instead of calling yourself a loser; you started calling yourself a WORK IN PROGRESS. Maybe this will remind you to stay focused and improve, instead of stressing over your current state.